"though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:24

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Patience Bank

So, I tried to explain to my strong willed child the concept of patience today. I've used this metaphor w/ him before, but I think it may have sunk in this afternoon. I told him that my patience is held in a bank (think piggy bank),... and he dumped it all out in a matter of minutes!! Of course, this was not my child that sees all things literally, JG. This was the eldest of my crew, B, and he should know about Mommy's patience by now. Here's hoping that today's "discussion" will stay fresh in his mind - for at least the next week!

One of the most difficult parts of raising a child w/ Asperger's Syndrome is the struggle that occurs w/in the child's own family. All of those things that are usually accepted as the typical dynamics amongst siblings just do not work in our household. The picking, the joking around, the rough housing are all various kinds of "button pushing" for JG. In fact, sometimes it even starts out as being okay for JG to play around w/ his brother in this way, but it almost always turns ugly - really ugly! And no matter how many times I've warned against this kind of play, it seems that I still have to explain it to B every day - if he's at home! The fact that my tween stays so busy is actually my saving grace. If he's not at home, then there won't be fighting.

Please don't get me wrong! I love all three of my kiddos like you wouldn't believe!! However, it is like watching dominoes tumbling down, one after another. If B is in the mood to push buttons, then he's going to set off JG. After JG has lost his temper, he's going to strike out at me or his little sister. And, boy, can he ever hold a grudge!! My prayer is that he wakes up in the morning refreshed and having forgotten all about this afternoon's battle.

Today's Menu:
Breakfast - Van's Gluten Free Waffles, bacon, orange juice
Lunchbox - Bush's Baked Beans (sounds gross, but it was requested), pear
Snack - Juicy Juice, gluten free choc. chip cookie, & gluten free macaroon
Dinner - pulled pork, baked beans, cole slaw, orange juice

*I will be posting more info on the cookies & the macaroons at a later date. Mommy's tired!!

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